What is INDIBA®?

Indiba, the epitome of cutting-edge technology in aesthetics, offers a revolutionary approach to rejuvenating your skin and reshaping your body.

Harnessing the power of radio frequency, Indiba's advanced treatments penetrate deep into the skin, stimulating collagen production and revitalising cellular activity. The benefits are manifold: from reducing cellulite and slimming stubborn areas like love handles and thighs to firming sagging skin on the arms, buttocks, and upper back, Indiba delivers transformative results that exceed expectations.

Whether you're looking to achieve a more contoured silhouette or simply want to revitalise your complexion, Indiba offers personalised solutions tailored to your unique needs and goals. With its proven track record of safety and efficacy, backed by years of scientific research and clinical studies, Indiba stands as a beacon of innovation in the realm of aesthetic enhancement.

For those seeking a holistic approach to beauty and wellness, Indiba is the ultimate choice.

Experience the rejuvenating power of Indiba and unlock your true potential – because beauty begins from within, and with Indiba, it radiates outward for the world to see.

Areas of Enhancement

Abdomen Slimming

Cellulite Reduction

Love Handles Reduction

Flabby Arms Reduction

Front/Back Thigh Reduction

Upper Back Firming

Buttocks Firming

Breast Lifting

Benefits of INDIBA®

  • Promotes microcirculation

    Enhances microcirculation, improving oxygen and nutrient delivery to tissues, supporting wound healing, and preventing ischemic conditions.

  • Promotes lymphatic drainage

    Aids in efficient lymphatic drainage, reducing edema, promoting detoxification, alleviating inflammation, and supporting immune system function.

  • Improvements in face & body

    Benefits include skin tightening, cellulite reduction, body contouring, and muscle relaxation, contributing to a more youthful appearance and enhanced body contours.

  • Improvements in overall well-being

    Fosters overall well-being by providing pain relief, reducing stress, improving mobility, and accelerating recovery, promoting a sense of comfort and vitality.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is one treatment session?

A single treatment session typically lasts for 30 minutes, and there is the flexibility to extend the session by opting for two consecutive sessions, based on the specific area of concern being addressed.

How many treatments are needed to see results?

For optimal results, it is recommended to undergo the treatment weekly to stimulate collagen and elastin production. Subsequently, for maintenance, sessions can be spaced out to every 3 to 4 weeks.

Is the treatment painful?

Not at all! Indiba gently elevates the skin temperature in specific body areas, respecting the body's cell physiology. The treatment is remarkably comfortable and non-intrusive. In thermal mode, the experience is akin to a soothing hot stone massage, often leading patients to drift into a relaxed state or even fall asleep during the session.

Is there any downtime?

Indiba therapy has zero downtime and customers can usually resume their regular activities immediately after the treatment. The non-invasive nature of Indiba, along with its ability to promote gentle tissue stimulation and healing, contributes to a lack of significant downtime.

Is there any trial session for me to experience the treatment?

Yes! Drop us a WhatsApp to book a session today!

Contact us

Got questions, ideas, or just want to say hello? We're here and ready to chat!

WhatsApp us at +65 8070 7770

or drop us a message below.